A Burning Sword Appeared in our Midst
A Burning Sword Appeared in our Midst
Hendrik Vorster
A vision of a burning Sword appeared in the midst of the congregation
I was preaching on Baptism of the Holy Spirit, so that believers might receive power and be equipped and to be witnesses for Jesus Christ. As I preached the Spirit of God came strongly upon me in power and the Presence of God’s Spirit became tangible in the congregation. Then the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, started to illuminate the Word of God and scripture by allowing us to ‘experience the Word of God in reality, as Jesus promised His disciples..

Hendrik Vorster
17 July 2020
PROPHETIC DREAM: Changing the earth’s course, which are on a collision Course | by Hendrik Vorster
PROPHETIC DREAM: Changing the earth’s course, which are on a collision Course | by Hendrik Vorster
In a dream, which I was granted, around July 17, 2020, I was told that I had to adjust the course of ‘my-earth,’ because it was on a direct collusion course to crash into, what seemed like a wall. I was explained in detail how I had to tune my Wi-Fi, which was like a radar that could adjust the course of the earth. The person who was explaining...

Angel walking into a Person
Angel walking into a Person
Hendrik Vorster
On the last day of the conference a lady saw a vision
One of the new ladies who does not know my background or any revelations which God had revealed to me, who was at the conference, saw a vision during the Sunday morning worship: “In her vision she saw myself worshiping God, having my arms stretched out into the air, looking very tired and despondent. Then she saw a large white angel, having his wings spread wide open who walked ‘into’ me, the angel and myself becoming ONE! Suddenly I lifted up my head again and with new found determination and clear vision!”

Baptized with the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues
Baptized with the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues
Hendrik Vorster
Man is baptized with the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues
I just shared the gospel of the good news with a man! I was busy praying and spending time with Jesus, when I saw a man, come walking down the foot path, towards where I was sitting, in a park. We have a beautiful park where I can walk and pray!
When I saw him from afar I had a strong sense in my spirit that he is going to be a mighty man of God! I boldly walked up to Nicole. As I greeted him, I greeted him according to what I saw about him in the Spirit. I saw the Lord's plan and purpose for this man in such a powerful way that only later, after I found out a little more about him, did I realize that he was not there yet! I saw him the way Jesus was seeing Him: Loved, called, forgiven, saved, justified, glorified and sent! Then, in a very natural way, I started to demonstrate the kingdom of God that is upon me.

Filled with the Spirit of God Prophecying to People
Filled with the Spirit of God Prophecying to People
Hendrik Vorster
The Same Spirit of Jesus Christ still lives in us today
"Then I asked the million dollar question? How do we NOT live by human effort, but by the Spirit? I continued to explain that we must become slaves of righteousness, living in a STATE of righteousness! I shared how the Spirit was poured out upon a group of 15 people in Sept 2012, like a mighty rushing wind! I shared a few short testimonies of how people have been healed and that is NOT by our own righteousness, but by WHAT JESUS had done!
Then a young lady suggested that we put into practice what I had just shared! She asked me to pray for her son who has had extema! What followed after this question was nothing less than miraculous…!

It is finished
It is finished
Hendrik Vorster
God spoke to our a 7 year old girl - Simone
When we woke up this morning my daughter was ‘chuffed’ to tell us about her dream she had last night. She said to us that we would not believe what she had dreamt? She is very lively little girl, very detailed and also very dramatic. So we always listen to her dreams with the one ear. But when she was this excited we were very excited to listen to what she had dreamt.

The Angel of the LORD in the West
The Angel of the LORD in the West
Hendrik Vorster
God confirmed the venue for conference: 'REIGNING THROUGH GOD'S LOVE AND POWER'
A two weeks before, I asked God for a venue WHERE we can, for free, have our 'REIGNING THROUGH GOD'S LOVE AND POWER' conference?
I had two possible venues: One in the north, a 300 seater and the other in the west, only a 65 seater guesthouse! I was wondering where we would have this conference! I had NOT yet asked God WHICH one I should take? Should I go BIGGER or more INTIMATE? North or West? Well guess what our immense loving God, Who is full of wisdom and whose timing is perfect, did?

The Spiritual Warrior and His angels with Him
The Spiritual Warrior and His angels with Him
Hendrik Vorster
The Great Prince is the Spiritual Leader of the angels. The spiritual battle in the heavens has been won by Jesus Christ
When I opened my phone on the Sept 29, 2016, I had received a message, which had a picture of the spiritual battle of what happens in the spiritual heavens! The center figure of the warriors in the spiritual heavens are depicted as a Mighty Warrior having a mighty Sword in his right-hand!
When I saw this Mighty Angel I was reminded of the Angel that appeared to Joshua and told him that He was the Commander of the Armies of the LORD.

"And my language and my message were not set forth in persuasive (enticing and plausible) words of wisdom, but they were in demonstration of the [Holy] Spirit and power [a proof by the Spirit and power of God, operating on me and stirring in the minds of my hearers the most holy emotions and thus persuading them], So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God." (1Cor 1:4)

"Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary [in holiness, away from sin and guilt]. Who is a great God like our God? You are the God Who does wonders; You have demonstrated Your power among the peoples." (Psa 77:13-14)

"If I am not doing the works [performing the deeds] of My Father, then do not believe Me [do not adhere to Me and trust Me and rely on Me]. But if I do them, even though you do not believe Me or have faith in Me, [at least] believe the works and have faith in what I do, in order that you may know and understand [clearly] that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father [One with Him]." (Joh 10:37-38)

"And my language and my message were not set forth in persuasive (enticing and plausible) words of wisdom, but they were in demonstration of the [Holy] Spirit and power [a proof by the Spirit and power of God, operating on me and stirring in the minds of my hearers the most holy emotions and thus persuading them], So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God." (1Cor 1:4)
Signs and wonders are a result of ordinary believers accepting their righteousness and identity as a new creation in Christ, simply obeying the words of Jesus Christ.