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April 09, 2016

The True foundation of Jesus Christ

Laying an Excellent Foundation - Part 1

The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and showed me how great restoration of many biblical truths are taking place. But then the Lord, in His wisdom, said to me: "Once they think they have restored the truth and they want to put the capstone stone in place, or the cherry on the cake, they will find out that the foundation has not been properly laid!"

How can this be true, you might wonder? Laying an excellent foundation has been designed to reveal the hidden mystery of Christ, which has been lost through a mixture of paganism that was mixed with Christianity since 323 AD.

Through the following picture, which represents the restoration that has been taking place, I tried to explain what the Holy Spirit had revealed to me regards the restoration process that has been taking place!


April 16, 2016

The Unknown God - Jesus Christ

Laying an Excellent Foundation - Part 2

There is a great Mystery that God had hidden from men in the Old Testament. A mystery is something hidden and it might even sound strange. A great secret that was revealed to the apostles, which had gone lost over the last 2000 years...

April 23, 2016

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Laying an Excellent Foundation - Part 3

The revelation of WHO Jesus Christ is can ONLY come by revelation from God the Father. The ROCK on which Christ Jesus would build His church is the Revelation of WHO Jesus Christ IS! Those who understand WHO Jesus Christ is will be given awesome authority!

May 07, 2016

The Revelation of Jesus’ Character and Nature

Laying an Excellent Foundation - Part 4

John revealed that Jesus Christ existed from the beginning and has always been WITH the Father. This does not mean that The Father and the Son are TWO, but rather revealed the mystery of WHO and WHAT Jesus Christ is – God’s Word! No one has ever seen God and really experienced His character and nature. God brought out that which was invisible, into a visible form and shape and personality where it could be seen by all mankind! That which God brought out is NOT something NEW! It has been an aspect of God’s character and nature all along!

May 14, 2016

The Light Beam of God’s Power and Glory

Laying an Excellent Foundation - Part 5

As I entered the park I asked God a very strange question? I had developed a strong spirit if discernment, which was accompanied by a strong gift of discernment of spirits. Even in spite of this powerful gift, which God had granted me, I still knew that the gift was only partial and in part and I desired to walk and live in the fullness of God. Without having planned it – I took a step forward, as if to walk through the veil of separation, into the fullness. As I did this, suddenly the power of God fell around me like a beam of Light of power and glory. I could tangibly experience the power of God like electricity all around me. I was surrounded by a powerful beam of power.

May 28, 2016

Living and Walking in the Spirit as slaves of Righteousness

Laying an Excellent Foundation - Part 6

We are IN Christ, when we operate IN or according to His Person and character and nature! God has consecrated us – We are already perfected, cleansed and set-apart by God God has Anointed us: We are already fully equipped with the Spirit of God. God has given us His Holy Spirit – We are already holy and made whole! When we have the Spirit we already have ALL the gifts of the Spirit in us! So many times people say we must LIVE and WALK by the Holy Spirit. The question is how do I do it? We must learn to be controlled and guided by the Spirit of God. How do I do that?

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