Does your church, ministry or house church need a total transformation, making you more effective for Jesus Christ? Partner with us as we equip your small groups to become functioning disciples of Jesus Christ.

"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." (Php 2:1-2)

"Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. Live in Me, and I will live in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in being vitally united to the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me. I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much and abundant fruit. However, apart from Me, cut off from vital union with Me you can do nothing. (John 15:4-5)

Does your church, ministry or house church need a total transformation, making you more effective for Jesus Christ? Partner with us as we equip your small groups to become functioning disciples of Jesus Christ.
that they may be One as We are One
Help Restoring the Church of Jesus Christ
The unity of the Spirit and the Word of God, in Christ Jesus, is more important than the unity of the networking systems of men.

Only in the Glory of the Spirit of God the Father, can those who follow Jesus Christ, His Son, be One. We envison partnering and networking with other worthy individuals: Who are willing to open their houses, churches and ministries and desire to obey only Jesus Christ in Spirit and truth; who are truly like-minded and like-hearted, becoming part of a discipling network, building powerful relationships, willing to make themselves accountable – first to Jesus and the Holy Spirit and then to us and one another. We are looking to partner with Spirit driven, followers of Jesus Christ, who constantly make every effort to abide in His Word and has only one desire to see the church of Jesus Christ advance just as He gave it to His disciples, who has no other agenda except, to see the pure gospel lived and advanced, not building a personal kingdom or ministry and restoring the church of Jesus Christ. We are willing to partner with any humble, sincere individual, who is filled with the love of God, whom God has called to come along side us and Him, to help advance His kingdom and His church.

The true Church of Jesus Christ is scattered far and wide and cannot be determined by outward appearances. Only Jesus Christ has eyes like fire and knows the heart and motives of every man. We also will be judged for what we have built and how we have chosen to believe. Jesus has not only told us what to do, but has also come to show us how to do it! We want to follow His pattern, because He is Life and in obeying Him we will have Eternal Life.
Therefore, we also set a standard to follow and expect those who want to partner with us, willing to follow the same pattern, which Jesus Christ gave His disciples to follow. Jesus, Himself, did the same thing when He told those who
wanted to follow Him: “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor is a servant or slave above his master. It is sufficient for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant or slave like his master.” (Matt 10:24-25) We also set a certain minimum standard according to the Word - Jesus Christ, just as He had done: “He who loves and takes more pleasure in father or mother more than in Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves and takes more pleasure in son or daughter more than in Me is not worthy of Me; And he who does not take up his cross and follow Me, cleave steadfastly to Me, conforming wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying also, is not worthy of Me. Whoever finds his lower life will lose it the higher life, and whoever loses his lower life on My account will find it the higher life. He who receives and welcomes and accepts you receives and welcomes and accepts Me, and he who receives and welcomes and accepts Me receives and welcomes and accepts Him Who sent Me.” (Matt 10:37-40 Ampl)
We will not follow any rule legalistically, but will allow the Spirit of Jesus Christ and the Word of God to guide us, when we consider partnering or networking with other ministries, churches or house churches nationally and internationally. Each individual case will be brought before the Lord Jesus Christ who judges the thoughts and the attitudes of the heart of all men, for He knows what is in a man!
After the prophet Elijah thought that he was the only true prophet left; the only one who had God’s heart and intention, not having bowed to the pagan gods and Baal, but had God’s Word as his highest priority, God told him to return, for He has: “…left seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth which has not kissed him.” God had chosen those who had not bowed to other gods or who had no other idols before Him. We believe that a remnant still remains, who have not been willing to defile themselves with the desire for position, recognition from men, wanting to please men, bowing under the world system of Babylon, creating their own kingdoms, who pedal the word of God for money, chasing after financial gain, but has only Jesus’ true Church at heart. We are looking for such individuals or groups of people who are willing to follow the Word of God without compromise and yet not being legalistically driven.
Partnership and Leadership in this ministry will be determined by theocracy, according to the example of Jesus Christ in character and nature, led by the Spirit of

God and by all the other house church ministers or leaders, just as it was done in the first church council of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem: “For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these necessary things…” (Act 15:28) A theocracy is God setting up leaders and not man through democracy, just like God had chosen the prophet Moses and the apostle Paul.
Since Jesus has already started HIS church 2000 years ago on the day of Pentecost, no other name of a person or denomination will be tolerated, being only co-workers with Christ Jesus, through His Spirit. Any ministry who wants to come along side us, must accept the same commitment to Jesus Christ, which He had given His disciples. They can therefore only become partners with Jesus Christ and what He is doing through His church, both of us only doing what Jesus had done.
We will only be guided by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, in all love and sincere devotion to Jesus Christ and will allow the Spirit of God to continue leading us into all truth, not going beyond what is written. The Word of God, according to the same Spirit of Jesus Christ and the revelation, which the apostles Peter, James, John and Paul was given by Jesus Christ, through direct revelation from God, will be followed. Extra revelation or illuminating revelation (Dreams, visions, prophecy, trances, supernatural appearances, signs or experiences) will be strictly judged by the Word and by the Spirit of Jesus Christ through those whom God has appointed as leaders of His church and stand in the offices of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher and any other individual through whom the Spirit of Jesus Christ chooses to also confirm His Word.

Current Networks Include:
Called to prepare the way before the coming of the Lord Yahshua the Messiah and warning of all that are about to be fulfilled in our generation. God appeared to us over a period of 3 years, through great prophetic signs, creating a witness for His Names sake, revealing His heart's desire for this generation and its people. Giving people their food at the proper time, we desire to please our Maker and King alone, giving Him the Glory and the power due His Name.

The main aim of this group is to link with different parts of the body so that we could build each other up in love and we work together like the sinews of a ligament. The parts of the body are scattered, hurt, rejected and therefore ineffective to doing the work for which each one are destined. We desire as prophets to help those who has not yet found their place and role in the body of Jesus Christ. We desire to teach each man to hear the Voice of God for themselves.