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Prophetic Book - At Midnight - Hendrik V


The Lord spoke to me to write my first book to help awaken the Lukewarm church of Jesus Christ for an appointed time...


This book will be a powerful witness that God love His church and wants them to radically begin to prepare for what is coming.


Due to a series of events that started from 8 April 2014 - 7 days before the first blood moon appeared, God confirmed to me why the tribulation time has officially begun. Through a series of signs that appeared to me God begun to prepare for 7 years before the time so that I might be ready to be like a friend of the bridegroom to awaken the 10 virgins immediately, if they are not already awoken by the worldwide crisis.


The Spirit also told me that before the church can be caught away they first need to be caught up.


At a very specific time, the Spirit of God came to awake me like a virgin that was asleep.


Please pray for this book to be the witness God intents for it and that it will impact the church of Jesus Christ to be prepared for what God desires for His bride and for the church of Jesus Christ.

This book is now in the making...

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