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A Strategic Prophetic Vision of REVIVAL beginning in South Africa:

A servant and special messenger of Jesus Christ, to His Church and all those who long for Him and His coming:

On the 18 May 2016, the Spirit of God powerfully came upon me and I prophesied about many things, which Jesus was doing and was about to do in South Africa for the preparation of the OUTPOURING of the POWER of God, which will begin to usher in the kingdom of God for the return and coming of Jesus Christ, in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. I saw how the Spirit of God's POWER, like a mighty FLOOD, came in, and because of Jesus, HIS authority and His power is going to break and remove all the walls of everything that was standing in HIS way.

Those who experienced HIS glory will submit themselves to what HE is doing and those who oppose HIM will not be able to resist, but will try and oppose HIM, due to religion and old traditions, doctrines and mind-sets.

Then the Spirit of God showed me something very awesome and also very powerful. I saw how this breakthrough is going to start and has already started through individuals and small groups who hunger and serve JESUS CHRIST alone. They have NO other desire, BUT JESUS CHRIST and HIS kingdom and HIS CHURCH. It is NOT a man made organisation. Then an awesome thing happened, which I prophetically saw through spiritual eyes, while the power of God was heavily upon me in GREAT POWER and GLORY!

Old Plough breaking open the way

God gave me HIS wisdom and strategy and I saw how many godly men and women, who are NOT necessarily leaders of churches and ministries, but men and women who have served God with undivided devotion, and with a deep hunger for JESUS and HIS POWER, who know who they are in Christ Jesus - as sons of God, called in the different functions and spiritual offices, will raise up and intercede and keep breaking open the way for many others who will also be drawn into the mighty FLOOD of God’s Spirit.

At first the POWER will flow through individuals, then groups. This FIRE will be carried and transferred as people speak about the wonders of God. While they speak JESUS CHRIST and HIS POWER will be revealed and manifested. At first this fire will trickle down and will keep igniting people, pulling them into a higher and and more intimate revelation and relationship with Jesus Christ. As this happens the WORD of GOD will begin to manifest in POWER THROUGH these individuals and groups. These FIRES will spread as the WIND BLOWS, from person to person and from group to group. ANY individual, church, denomination or ministry that hold on to their doctrines will at first be by-passed, BUT soon the evidence of the REVIVAL will be so evident that no one will be able to oppose it anymore. Those who still resist will be by-passed and another who are willing to believe will be found. The FIRE will spread like a river that finds the PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE. Soon a small trickle will become a river.

Then many rivers will start to flow together, soon the SPIRIT OF TRUTH will wash away every perverse and twisted doctrine and teaching, which has held out against the TRUTH. As these rivers flow into one another, the breakthrough caused by the understanding of one truth which will be added to another – UNTIL JESUS CHRIST – THE WORD becomes manifested in ALL HIS GLORY and POWER. As the TRUTH spreads the POWER OF GOD will increase in GLORY and the evidence of signs, wonders and miracles will follow, the sick healed, the gift of miracles, filling the atmosphere. With false belief systems crumbling, the TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST will become evident. Those who have power will be clearly distinguished from those who do not have the complete truth, but were infiltrated by some traditions, which have nullified the WORD OF TRUTH!

I saw how this FIRE was spread by an ARROW head of FIRE, which was shaped in a 'V' shape. And just like birds that preserve there strength, a new fresh bird constantly replacing the the leading bird, the leading person or group will constantly be replaced by a new individual and group. This MOVEMENT OF GOD and NOT man, will NOT be lead by one single individual, but by godly men and women who, who knows their righteousness in Christ, who knows the guidance of the SPIRIT and obey, allow and are led by the SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST, practicing the WORD of GOD! While some fires will die out due to the effort of man, MORE FIRES will burst forth from others who will take the GLORY OF GOD to heart and keep walking in their righteousness in Christ Jesus – the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End, the ONLY WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE! Then will begin, what was prophesied by the prophet Hosea, then the knowledge of the GLORY OF THE LORD will start to spread across the face of the earth and the GLORY will literally start to cover the earth as the WATERS OF GOD's GLORY cover the sea!

Then the LORD said to me: "This REFORMATION or REVIVAL has ALREADY started. The Lord Jesus showed me how many doctrines of TRUTH will then mightily sweep the earth like waves of GLORY, many thousands and even millions will be saved, healed and delivered from things they could NOT be delivered from!

Hendrik & Gerdine Vorster

The Church of Jesus Christ

“I will build My Church” (Matt 16:18)


“Restoration to the original is always the best. Radical return to the way the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated and gave it to His disciples.”

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