2Cor 5:10 For we have all been thoroughly scrutinized in the judgment of Jesus. We are taken care of and restored to the life of our design, regardless of what happened to us in our individual lives, whatever amazing or meaningless things we encountered in the body. MT

I received this word from the Lord for my life when I asked Him what He wanted to say to me. I had just received a revelation from Him about faith that proves His total unconditional love for mankind. God believes the best about us, because He made us and knows what He has made us to be. He loves us like no other created being can love us, because He created us.

The Word that I received was very absolute and had no boundaries to it. God does NOT hold back in His love. He has always and will always be an extravagant Father, lover, comforter and giver. The prophet and king, David prophesied about the future salvation, which God showed him, which He would unconditionally give to those who would be willing to believe that He has such overwhelming love for all mankind collectively and individually.

Then He showed me what a person who really believe in Him, would do, when they read His words and see His promises, coming from a place of Love for them in His heart. He showed me how a sign that we do not believe His word is when we begin to create exceptions to that which He said. We create an exception to the rule. We say: God said this, but I think or say that He means that… This, He showed me, goes very deep and ‘EVERYBODY’ is doing it. As soon as they come to a ‘truth’ or ‘doctrine’ that we do not believe they begin to interpret it to bring it down or pull it up to their level of faith.

God applied this revelation to a very specific revelation that we often interpret to soot us or which we change so that we can believe it. Although the word says: Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, we begin to hear what we want to hear. Many will at this stage jump up and say, yes we need to obey this or do that. But the reason we do not believe is actually because we do not really know the ‘TRUE’ character of God the Father. We misinterpret the word of God and God’s real heart and intention, because we do not know Jesus or the Father’s heart of love and grace.

Now let’s look at the Word the Lord gave to His servant and prophet David, who understood the true character of God and saw the future, in confirmation of that which He told me.

Rom 4:7 Blessed and happy and to be envied are those whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered up and completely buried. 8 Blessed and happy and to be envied is the person of whose sin the Lord will take no account nor reckon it against him. [Psa32:1-2]

It was only after God had given me this confirmation, that He gave me the word from Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth:

“For we have all been thoroughly scrutinized in the judgment of Jesus. We are taken care of and restored to the life of our design, regardless of what happened to us in our individual lives, whatever amazing or meaningless things we encountered in the body.”

Do you really believe what Paul wrote to the church in Rome, when he revealed what was discovered by king David in the Old Testament, about the character and true nature of God? If you really believe this, you will jump up and down with joy and you will be in total awe of the true loving and gracious character of God. Let’s look at it in many different translations, because people will even begin to make excuses for the truth, by saying it was mistranslated. We just keep on changing the variables as long as do not have to believe the immense good news of God’s love. We are so deceived by the trap mankind has fallen into that we just can not believe that it could be true what king David really discovered and was confirmed to me, by the Lord Jesus Christ, when He gave me the next verse, so that I can be a witness of the truth to this generation.

God means what He says and He says what He means. He is not into a guessing game, but we have interpreted His Word to make people read between the lines so that we do NOT believe the actual truth that God, in His love, intended for His church to have.

Ok let’s look at all the translations I have:

(Afrikaans OV) Welgeluksalig is hulle wie se ongeregtighede vergewe en wie se sondes bedek is. Welgeluksalig is die man aan wie die Here die sonde nie toereken nie.

(AMPC) Blessed and happy and to be envied are those whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered up and completely buried. Blessed and happy and to be envied is the person of whose sin the Lord will take no account nor reckon it against him. [Psa32:1-2]

(CJB) "Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered over; Blessed is the man whose sin Adonai will not reckon against his account."

(Darby) Blessed they whose lawlessnesses have been forgiven, and whose sins have been covered: blessed the man to whom the Lord shall not at all reckon sin.

(ESV) “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin.”

(GNB) "Happy are those whose wrongs are forgiven, whose sins are pardoned! Happy is the person whose sins the Lord will not keep account of!"

(KJV) Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

(MKJV) saying, "Blessed are those whose lawlessnesses are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man to whom the Lord will in no way impute sin."

(TPT) Here’s what David says: What happy fulfillment is ahead for those whose rebellion has been forgiven and whose sins are covered by blood. What happy progress comes to them when they hear the Lord speak over them, “I will never hold your sins against you!

(TS2009) “Blessed are those whose lawlessnesses are forgiven, and whose sins are covered, blessed is the man to whom יהוה shall by no means reckon sin.” Psa32:1-2.

(YLT) 'Happy they whose lawless acts were forgiven, and whose sins were covered; happy the man to whom the Lord may not reckon sin.'

Now you decide what was really revealed to king David and promised to us who will believe?

The apostle John touched on this revelation and made a profound statement in his second book:

(GNB) If you see a believer commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray to God, who will give that person life. This applies to those whose sins do not lead to death. But there is sin which leads to death, and I do not say that you should pray to God about that.

Thus there are sin that leads to death and sin that does NOT lead to death. What does it really mean? Sin always leads to death according to Paul: “For the wages which sin pays is death…” Rom 6:23

Which sins then does not lead to death? Sins committed that God, in His grace and love, continues to forgive everyday in our own lives, just because we accepted the salvation that God, in Christ made available and offered to us.

Now to understand the verse God gave me in the Mirror bible this morning:

2Cor 5:10 For we have all been thoroughly scrutinized in the judgment of Jesus. We are taken care of and restored to the life of our design, regardless of what happened to us in our individual lives, whatever amazing or meaningless things we encountered in the body.

If this translation is correct. And it must be correct, because the translator believed what Jesus told us and translated this translation ‘according’ to the finished work of Christ and not something that must still be done. Then it is most amazing what Paul is really saying. Let me translate and paraphrase his words into my own words according to the revelation of the above correct revelation of king David.

God has, in Christ, has already thoroughly and righteously judged all of us, declaring that, in Christ, we been cleansed and purified us, done what is need to completely take care of our entire life, knowing perfectly what your weaknesses and strengths are, knowing beforehand what good you will do and what evil you will do. Basically, God’s got it covered! He has looked into the future and judged yours sins, past, present and future, knowing exactly what your greatest test and struggle will be, YET, even having seen it, He allowed Jesus Christ to be completely and sufficiently punished and judged to give you a blank cheque in order that you can see His total, absolute, unconditional love for you, in the hope that you will allow His love to propel you into believing that He has done ALL THAT HE COULD HAVE DONE to get you to be completely restored to your original state before the fall of man, restored to your image and likeness which He created you to be.

Did you get it? God forgave your future sins and does NOT even count them against you so that you can be completely freed from the power and impact of sin in your life. God literally overlook you sins, because sin is NOT accounted to you account.

All we can now do is be thankful and thus show faith in what God promised and life according to this awe inspiring, unconditional, grace upon grace upon grace God gives you everyday, until you die.

You have entered a totally unfair condition that those outside of Christ does not have. You are totally blessed beyond what you deserve at all. Those who did not get it will be so envious of you and feel that it was totally unfair that you got it and not them.

Glory to God, now you can truly say, according to the apostle John: “SEE WHAT [an incredible] quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should [be permitted to] be named and called and counted the children of God! And so we are!”

Help restoring the truth to Jesus’ church (Act 3:21-23)


email: info.cojc@gmail.com

“Restoration to the original is always the best. Radical return to the way the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated and gave it to His disciples.”
