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05 - Why we struggle to Hear

In this program we will look at the four basic reasons why mankind struggles to hear God’s voice and HOW God initiated to restore that relationship with Himself. Come and follow us in the very exciting journey to learn how to hear the Voice of God and communicate with your Loving Creator.

After 33 weeks of having laid the foundation to hearing the Voice of God we are now setting the stage to introduce the most powerful and yet basic revelation of HOW to hear the Voice of God accurately. Through three different series, which included: Learning to Discern in the Spirit; The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and The Pattern of the Tabernacle and Temple, we laid a foundation that proves that everything God did was to help restore relationship and intimacy back with Himself. Through all these things we saw that God FIRST initiated with us, because of His immense love for us and our created value, desiring to RESTORE communication through fellowship with us.

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05 - Why we struggle to Hear

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