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The Harvest is Ripe

Help Restoring the Church of Jesus Christ 

If your gospel have not touched others it surely has not touched you!

Malawi Outreach Mission Trip |  June 10 - July 12, 2019


Our Team:

God has put together a formidable team that did not even know one another before that time. God is so in control He had per-arranged this Outreach trip long before. Our team consisted out of:

  • Juan van Tonder, an evangelist out of Capetown, who has been called for Africa to preach only the good news of the Kingdom of God and God’s sovereign reign of His kingdom over all other kingdoms

  • Mussa Munthali– who is a former pastor from Malawi, who knows many local Malawian languages and has traveled many places in Malawi before. When a revival broke out, within a week’s time, in the small town where his sister stays, we would discover how strategically God had chosen Mussa for this mission trip.

  • Hendrik Vorster – having been trained and prepared by God over many years, more especially as a prophet and revelational teacher of those things the Spirit of God had revealed to him over the last 18 years.








When we came to Kande, we prayed and asked the Lord what He wanted to do in this little town? The Spirit spoke to me and I heard that God said He want us to invest and build long-term relationship and a solid foundation in the church.

  • God spoke to me before and said to me: “I want you to go and empower My church!” My personal passion and strength are to build up the church to walk in its fullness of its identity and its callings and its unique ministries in which God had called each individual and the see the church of Jesus Christ function optimally as a body. I love to allow the gift of prophecy to help identify and strengthen and fortify God specific plans and purposes of the individual and to help activate the gifts of the Holy Spirit in people.

  • Through prophetic Word, God’s Spirit used me to help identify things in the lives of the leaders that have been keeping them from walking the fullness of who they are, also prophesying over them, the Spirit of God identifying the unique future plans and kind of ministry God he created them to function is.

  • In the small church at Kande the Spirit of God used myself and Juan on different levels to encourage and strengthen the church: Juan preached the kingdom of God and demonstrated the Kingdom of God sovereign rule over all other kingdoms and called people who have backslidden to come back to the kingdom of God from the kingdom of Satan.

  • Hear we saw a miracle as the Spirit of God begun to deliver a lady of a demonic spirit that have been holding her captive. This lady violently manifested as the Spirit of God drove out the demons in her life. As soon as the Spirit of God had delivered her, she begun to immediately speak in the language of the Spirit. The Presence of God, tangibly could be experiences as she was in deep intimacy with Jesus Christ. She cried and prayed in tongues as she kept on saying: “JESUS, JESUS, JESUS!”

  • We went out and also took the leaders and members out into the streets to go and pray for the sick and to demonstrate the power of the kingdom of God:

    • A Lady who was healed of a toothache and this became a witness to the men seeing what happened to her.

    • Then I laid hands on them, when I saw their faith and prophesied over these simple people, the Spirit of God coming upon them like fire, some starting to speak in tongues.

    • The lady came to church the next day for more prayer and because of the witness she had received

  • In a vision, one morning, the Lord showed me a row of thick old books each having the names of each of the apostles each of them. Immediately I realized that each book represented the full lives each of the apostles lived as disciples of Jesus, giving up their lives for the sake of the gospel of the kingdom of God. Through this vision, I realized that God was calling me to live the same kind of life of the apostles, like Paul, Peter, Timothy and the rest of the apostles, which was recorded in heaven, as was written about the lives of the Apostles as was recorded in the book of Acts. I also realized God has sent both my brother and I, as sent ones or messengers with a special message, to Malawi and Africa.

  • The Spirit pointed out the head master and pastor of a Christian school’s son to me. This young man, over the period of a few days became my interpreter and I sensed a great hunger and openness to the Spirit of God, as begun to take place, God equipping and preparing him to walk in the same kind of ministry as God was using me.

  • One more miracle that I want to share that was a personal victory for me. I do not suggest this to everybody and say this as a strictly personal testimony and witness of the power of God and the cross. When we came to Kande, after a few days I started to experience the symptoms to Malaria. I have been walking with the Lord in a place of divine health the last 3 years, sickness not being able to overcome me anymore. When we left South Africa, my wife was concerned that I have not taken Malaria precaution tablets. I told her that I have been living a certain place with the Lord, not getting sick anymore and I did not want to give into fear of Malaria either. I knew what God has done the last three years and I fully trusted Him to kill any disease in my body by His Spirit. This was exactly what happened. When I realized that I was getting all the , the devil even telling me that I was going to die, I begun to strengthen myself in the truth of the Spirit of God in my inner man and that I am dead to the law of sin and death. I had night fevers for two days. I took some lemon at night for the flue symptoms that was tell-tale signs of Malaria. Within 3 days the Spirit of God broke the power of Malaria over my body. But all the while I continued to minister without weakening or falling victim of Malaria or any sickness. Glory to God, in Christ, who has destroyed the work of the devil and NOTHING shall harm us.





We went across Lake Malawi to Likomo Island. Here we met with leaders of the church and our host, the former administrator of the Island:

  • Through the gift of prophecy, God used me to for this awesome and very anointed church. God showed me the powerful things He will be doing in this church when they allow His Spirit flow and operate in this church. We made new friends who followed us for training and equipping on our trip to Mozambique.

  • We also went to the local hospital to go and pray for the sick. The night before, I had a dream in which I saw a Jezebel spirit that fake its repentance. When I came to the adult wards, we found a young man who was cuffed to the bed for having used Maruwanna or dagga. I prayed with him and the Spirit of God came upon this young man. The Spirit revealed many things to him as to why he is so rebellious and abandoned. Over three days we kept going back, ministering to this man. But he seems to only have worldly sorrow and no real change, just as God had told me in a dream, the night before I met this man.

  • We went to pray for the sick in the local hospital and found two ladies, one Muslin and the other Christian, but both from Mozambique. As we prayed for them the power of the Spirit of God came upon them in fire as He cleansed and set these ladies free from the symptoms of Malaria. They were also freed of many things that oppressed them in life. As we spoke to  the Muslim lady, who experienced the power of God and the Holy Spirit, she told her that it was the power of Jesus Christ, who is God, who healed her. She opened her heart to Jesus Christ as she experienced and saw the power of the Kingdom of Christ Jesus. She acknowledged that Jesus is the One who is God and who healed her. She will never be the same again.




Strongly led by the Spirit of God, all of us sensed that God wanted us to spent most of our time ministering in Mozambique rather than Likomo Island:

  • We were only 4 days in Mozambique, but the Spirit of God surprised us and with the glory of God doing might wonders.

  • The pastor on Likomo referred us to this pastor, whom the Lord has sent from Tanzania to plant a church in a very remote part of Mozambique. This pastor, came to Likomo Island before to meet us and told us his amazing testimony of how the Lord had called him and appeared to him in a vision and showed him that He wanted him to go and preach the gospel to His people. This pastor always laughs and is full of the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • When Juan and myself prayed the Lord showed us that He wanted me to do the first teaching. Having seen how the Lord used Juan, as an evangelist mightily, I desired that God would also us me in a corporate way, rather than my normal individual way of ministry to people. That morning, the Spirit of God took me to the prophecy of the prophet Malachi: “FOR BEHOLD, the day comes that shall burn like an oven, and all the proud and arrogant, yes, and all that do wickedly and are lawless, shall be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. [Isa_5:21-25; Mat_3:12] 2 But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves [released] from the stall and leap for joy. 3  And you shall tread down the lawless and wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, says the Lord of hosts.” Jesus wanted to reveal Himself to the people as the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, wanting to destroy the work of devil, showing the people their authority over all the works of the enemy.”

  • When I begun to preach the Word of God, with power, the Spirit of God told me that Jesus Christ wanted to , as was written: “Then one of the elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin] said to me, Stop weeping! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root (Source) of David, has won (has overcome and conquered)! He can open the scroll and break its seven seals!” (Rev 5:5) The next moment the Spirit of God, in great boldness and power begun to fall on the people. Then 'Holy chaos' broke out in the congregation. The FIRE of God, came and fell upon all those who were listening. Many were baptized with the Holy Spirit and FIRE. The power of God begun to deliver people, breaking the works of the devil in the lives of those who believed and were still oppressed or demonized. Many begun to speak in tongues as the Spirit enabled them, breaking the old patterns of their minds. Demons came out of many, some went into convulsions as the demons, in great agony were trampled underfoot by the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, setting them free and filling them with the Holy Spirit. Many children, who were present and so hungry for more of Jesus were touched by the power and love of the kingdom of God, the Fire of the Spirit burning away the dross in the lives of many, the glory to God falling upon many. Many came forward and spontaneously came to accept Jesus Christ as their God, their King, their Healer and Saviour.

  • Through, the Spirit of God pointed out, through words of knowledge, specific needs for people who needed healing, sparking even more faith in the hearts of the people, as they see the Spirit of God accurately revealing how much God loves the people, wanting to heal them. Many people were healed and were deliver from Satan that have lied to them.

  • The message of people who were healed in church spread fast and people begun to bring sick and demon possessed people to our house. We learnt that the word for prayed is “pemphela.” Many were prayed for and delivered and instantly healed over the next few days as people kept coming to the house.

  • The pastor of the church took us to very sick people in the community whom we prayed for and saw many who were received instant relieve from severe pains, although not everybody was completely healed yet, but left for recovery.

  • One mother brought Juan her daughter who have been demon possessed for many years. When Juan begun to pray for her, she immediately begun to react violently against the Spirit of God, as the kingdom of God came upon and around her. Many demons were driven out of , whose name means: “Rejected or thrown away or useless.” She was delivered of many years of rejection. Over the next two days her mom kept bringing her to the house where we were staying, as more and more demons kept coming out of her. One night, while we prayed for her, the demons resisting to leave the young girl, I prayed in the Spirit and asked the Holy Spirit to show me what we need to do. Suddenly, I saw a vision of an altar that was some kind of place of ritual, with candles standing all around. The Spirit of God led Juan to break the spirit of the religion and the ‘anti-christ spirit’ over this girl. She violently shrieked as the hold of the demonic power was broken over her. I also told her mom to change her name to: Blessing and Favored. Later, after the deliverance took place the young girl told us how many years before she had a dream, in which she went down to the water and demons spirit came out of the water and entered her when she was young.

  • That night, as soon as I fell asleep, a demon appeared in my dream, looking like an alien. It violently blew or spit in my face. When I saw it, I said to it: “Is that the best you can do?” Then I turned around and went to sleep. Then next morning, the other man, whom we called: ‘prophet fire’, told us that exactly the same thing happened to him in a dream, that same night after we had prayed for the girl and saw God deliver her in a powerful way by the power of the cross.

  • When many were baptized and freed, accepting Jesus Christ, I asked who has not been baptised in water yet. About ten were baptised the next morning in Lake Malawi, dying with Christ and being resurrected as a new creation in Christ, while a joyful crowd were singing praises to God for the great things, He has done among them in such a short space of time.

  • A personal testimony, that was very special to me, know how God, over many years have been speaking to me, using signs in the heavens, signs begun to appear in the sky over the area, of many angels and the cloud of God’s glory, resting upon this place, revival having broken out in Cobue, Mozambique.




After a 1.5 day trip down the Lake, we arrived very sea weary at Monkey Bay, to stay at the second captain of the a large passenger boat called the: Ilala!

  • Having received a word from the Holy Spirit the next morning, the Lord gave me the passage of scripture saying: “And if any woman has an unbelieving husband and he consents to live with her, she should not leave or divorce him. 14  For the unbelieving husband is set apart (separated, withdrawn from heathen contamination, and affiliated with the Christian people) by union with his consecrated (set-apart) wife, and the unbelieving wife is set apart and separated through union with her consecrated husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean (unblessed heathen, outside the Christian covenant), but as it is they are prepared for God [pure and clean]. 15 But if the unbelieving partner [actually] leaves, let him do so; in such [cases the remaining] brother or sister is not morally bound. But God has called us to peace. 16  For, wife, how can you be sure of converting and saving your husband? Husband, how can you be sure of converting and saving your wife?” I could not understand this word, until I reached this Word from the Lord, until I reached this Holy Spirit filled little church. Here we were introduced to a young man, who is in the Malawian military and whose wife had been leading a very fire-up church full of mighty women. As we started to minister to this church, the wife of the young apostle told us that she had heard that people were coming and when she prayed the Spirit of God told her that she must invite us and allow us to come and minister to them in their congregation. Through prophecy and words of knowledge, the Spirit of God used me to prophecy to literally every women in this small church of about 25 women. They were greatly encouraged by the Lord’s love for them and received healing and deliverance, hope and direction for their husbands who were mostly non-believers.

  • We were also introduced to a nearby Christian school headmaster, but was warned before the time that a strong spirit of control and religion was going to try and resist the work God wanted to do. I was allowed to teach and encourage young students in their identity in God and who they are in Christ Jesus. As I ministered, through the Spirit of prophecy, the Spirit encourage many called students not to be slack and to become worldly, but knowing that God has set them apart of His works of serve to bring hope in a lost and hopeless world, who do not know the Love of God them.

  • In one particular case, the Spirit of God confirmed His word through two witnesses, as Juan pray for this young man, he saw a vision of a mighty sword which God was giving this young man. When I prayed over him, not having heard what the Spirit of God, through Juan have said, prophesied and said the same things to this young man.

  • The next day, with some students and members accompanying us, we were taken to a remote village were another branch of this congregation was. Here, my bother Juan ministered and many were delivered of demon oppression and re-dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ, many more receiving Jesus Christ.

  • One particular lady, 93 years of age was healed of back pains and danced and rejoiced because God had taken away her pain, so that she could walk freely again. Although she remained bend forward because of her old age.

  • Where ever we went, when we saw people that were sick or oppressed, we simply prayed for them, the healing power flowing out of us and the Lord healed many. This simple, poor, bare footed people greatly rejoiced because they saw the power and love of God’s kingdom come upon them, many being set free and renewed in strength in Christ.

  • On our way home, having decided that I will NOT pass by a person with severe problem, we saw a man with one blind eye. I asked to pray for his eye sight. As I laid hands on him, the Spirit of God flowed into his eye. The man had a white skin/veil over his left eye. After I prayed for him, I asked him what happened? He said that he can see light. I asked him what does he mean? He said that he was completely blind and could see no light in this eye anymore. I asked what can he see, and he said he can only see light. Then I prayed again, allowing the Spirit of God to touch his eye. After I prayed for him, He said that he could now see with this eye. Then the first thing he did was to ask me to bring him a bible. Then, with great excitement, He begun to read from a bible in his own language. He could read. He told us that it was very difficult to read with just one eye, therefore he was reading with great difficulty. We praised God and we had to leave; the man having received his sight in the one eye.




  • After 21 days we were tired. All of us missed our families and our plans having changed, due to our host in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, not being able to host us anymore, due to unforeseen circumstance. We wanted to change our bus tickets and go back one week earlier. But after we prayed, all three of us came back, the Spirit of God having said even though your flesh is weak and tired, now I have left the best for last.

  • Mussa, our interpreter and the pastor who came with us from South Africa, told us that his sister stays in a small town in the area of Mangochi, in Balaka, about 2.5 hour’s drive from Monkey Bay. In the next week we would find out how strategically God had chosen Mussa, as our tour guide and interpreter, God bringing a small town at the brink of a revival, as the message spreads like a wild fire, when God begun to heal and touch and baptize nearly a hundred people with the Holy Spirit.

  • Our first meeting, with a lovely man of God, Ps Peter Banda, was divinely orchestrated and predestined, for what God had intended for Balaka, to show its people Who He is. While speaking with the Banda family, because of the great humility and hunger for God of this family, the Spirit of God came upon us and through the Spirit of Jesus Christ, He begun to prophecy and reveal all that God still intends to fulfill, in and through, this great couple, revealing to them individually what His specific call is upon their lives and His future plans for them. This prophecy was recorded and can be found here

  • In the morning, before we went to meet the pastor, in a vision I saw an older man, with a beard, who had a white colored Muslim hat on. While we spent time with the pastor and his wife, he told us how the Lord had spoken to him many years ago and told him to go to Mangotchi and built a church in the outskirts of the town of Balaka. Without knowing it, he set up his church in the middle of a rural Muslim community. When I heard this, I told him about my vision, which I had seen the morning. He told me how some Muslims had turned to the Lord and accepted Jesus Christ while he has been preaching the gospel in this area over the years. Then I asked him whether he had an older man in his church, who had a beard, trying to understand the vision the Lord had shown me. He then told me that there were only younger men who had received Christ in his church. Still wondering what this could mean, I concluded that the Holy Spirit was still going to lead me to meet this man in my vision. After our meeting, on our way walking home, passing a computer shop, I saw an older Muslim man, having a small grey chin beard, sitting in the shop, having the exact same Muslim hat on, as the one the Lord Jesus had shown me in a vision that morning. I walked over and tried to speak to this man, but he was not open for prayer. As I returned, the pastor was in great amazement and asked me whether I knew who this man was? He explained that this man, was the man who is the only man who could do the burial ceremony when a Muslin had died. He even explained that this man once had to bury a young man, and after his mom refused to let a Muslim Imam bury her son, she asked this pastor to bury her son, causing great animosity between the two of them. Then we realized that this man was the main strongman whom God had pointed out to us, so that we could pray for him to accept Jesus Christ.

  • Led by the Spirit of God, I was appointed to lead and teach the Wednesday night midweek service. This first meeting, would start on such a powerful note, and set the stage for what God would do in Balaka the next week, sparking a wave of revival in the small town of Balaka. Led by the Spirit of God, I taught on the Glory of God and the importance of entering the third room in the temple, the Most Holy. By faith, trusting God to effortlessly reveal and demonstrate the great privilege we were given to access the Most Holy, through the righteousness of Christ, I prayed and asked God to show the church where they are seated in Christ. Suddenly, while I was walking around the people in the church, the glory of God begun to fall on the congregation, people falling under the power of God, some being delivered and freed from all kinds of oppressions and spirits of torment that has been keeping those in the church captive, because of the ignorance of who they are in Christ. The Glory of God became so strong that we could barely stand in the Presence of God and many begun to be overwhelmed by the power of God.

  • A week or two before, in a dream, I was shown that it was going to rain in Malawi, even though it was not the raining season. The Lord revealed to me that when this happens it will be a sign that a revival was sparked and about to break out in that town. After the midweek service meeting, many having been healed, delivered and set free, the power of God coming heavily upon the congregation of believers, a soft drizzle begun to fall over the area, prophetically confirming that Balaka was going to be brought to the brink of experiencing a revival, the Spirit of God working with us, signs, wonders and healings following the message, spreading like a wild fire, as the good news were told of the people who were healed in the community. From that time more and more people begun to come to our house for prayer, just like it happened in Mozambique, just on a larger scale.

  • Early Thursday morning, the pastor took us to the local district hospital to go and pray for the sick. It was a large hospital with very limited medical equipment in it. It had children’s ward and adult ward sections. In the children’s section, we found an entire ward full of children that had been severely burn. When we walked into the section, the love of God and great compassion for the sick came upon us all, with a great boldness to destroy the work of the devil. The Presence of God begun to tangibly invade the hospital rooms we entered as we laid hands on the sick, briefly touching some, the Spirit of God’s healing power, released at the cross, flowing into the bodies of those who were sick. We prayed for everybody we could find, laying hands on all the sick and even on those who came to visit the sick. The healing power flowed through many who were healed, the power or hold of the sickness having being broken, the Lord healing Malaria and many other who were under the oppression of the evil one.

  • The patients being too many, we decided to split up and go to different rooms, laying hands on all who were sick. In one specific room, Juan and the other team, found a lady that was in a coma and was paralyzed on the one side. Juan briefly laid hand on the lady and left. Two days later, the report reached our ears, that this lady was at home, out of the coma, walking, no longer being paralyzed. We all rejoiced out load when we heard this news and praise God for the great things He was doing to this people, showing such unconditional love to them.

  • My passion being to empower and activate the church of Jesus Christ to walk in its fullness, we convened a meeting with all the leaders and pastors they could invite. The Spirit of God led me to teach on the ‘KEY’ that Jesus, our God has revealed to me 18 years ago, when He appeared to me and promised me saying: “I will give you the Key, which is LOVE!” I taught how we need to be deeply rooted in the LOVE OF GOD, so that our inner man can be strengthened and reinforced by the richest measure of the fullness of God, as is written: 14  For this reason [seeing the greatness of this plan by which you are built together in Christ], I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15  For Whom every family in heaven and on earth is named [that Father from Whom all fatherhood takes its title and derives its name]. 16  May He grant you out of the rich treasury of His glory to be strengthened and reinforced with mighty power in the inner man by the [Holy] Spirit [Himself indwelling your innermost being and personality]. 17  May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love, 18  That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints [God's devoted people, the experience of that love] what is the breadth and length and height and depth [of it]; 19  [That you may really come] to know [practically, through experience for yourselves] the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge [without experience]; that you may be filled [through all your being] unto all the fullness of God [may have the richest measure of the divine Presence, and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself]! (Eph 3:14-19 AMP) Here is the teaching that the Spirit led me to teach to the leaders in Balaka.

  • On Saturday, I had the great privilege of also teaching the youth and prophesying over many young students, the great future plans of hope God has for these young people. During this session the Spirit of God led me to teaching on the identity of each student and their identity in the LOVE OF GOD. During this session, the Spirit of God begun to free man young people of many past hurts of pain and rejection and a Jezebel spirit, revealing in a very practical way, the Spirit ministering to people, setting them free from shame, rejection, self-righteousness, the witchcraft of manipulation and the demon of pride, leviathan or independence. While this happens, Juan saw a vision of a pot of pure gold, of the LOVE OF GOD, like oil, being poured out over these young men, as God wants to reveal His love to them. As I was ministering by the Spirit, removing the lies that have kept many young people from being able to receive the love of God, cleansing them, binding up the broken hearted and setting the captives free, the Spirit suddenly begun to pour out the pure love of God, like a crystal pure stream of love. Then the Spirit told me to say, that He want someone to now get up and do what God told him to do. Then my brother, came forward and shared his vision which God had shown, while God’s Spirit was revealing and ministering His love to those who have felt abandoned and let down by people, because of deep disappointment. Many were so filled with the intense love of God and delivered of deep pains of rejection and feelings of insignificance. Many were delivered and spirits of heaviness and hopelessness left many young people. Glory to God!

  • On our last day of ministry, the Spirit of God led me to teach the church congregation to grow up in maturity and into the fullness of whom God had intended them to be, according to the apostle Paul writing: 11  And His gifts were [varied; He Himself appointed and gave men to us] some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries), some pastors (shepherds of His flock) and teachers. 12  His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ's body (the church), 13  [That it might develop] until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the [full and accurate] knowledge of the Son of God, that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood (the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ and the completeness found in Him. (Eph 4:11-13 AMP) 

  • On one occasion, after we prayed for a man and his wife, the man asked me whether I would not go and pray for his minister, who had severe back pain. So severe was the back pain that he has not been able to preach to the congregation of the church for the last two weeks. Lucy realized that it was her minister at the Presbyterian church, who was sick. She knew where he stayed and we immediately went to his house. On arriving at this lovely old minister, I spoke to him about the price Jesus has paid and the power of the Spirit of God. I gave him a few testimonies of how God had healed many people whom I had prayed for the last few years, and also especially in Balaka. He warm heartily welcomed me to pray for him, laying hands upon him, just as Jesus had commanded us to do, promising those who believe: “17 And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages; 18  They will pick up serpents; and [even] if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will get well. (Mar 16:17-18) Before I begun to pray for the him, the Spirit of God, suddenly, through a word of knowledge, showed me that the pain started on the left-side, in his back. When I told him this, he told me that the pain had started in his back, but started to affect even his hip and his left leg. After I had prayed for this man, that was bent over, because of this severe pain, he received immediate relieve of the pain in the lower back and the hip. I prayed again for the pain that was also in his leg and inner thy to leave his body. He felt some more relieve, then I knew in my spirit that the pain was broken and that he would be strong again and would completely recover. Two days later, the news reached our ears via other church members whom the minster sent to our house for pray, that he was better and was going to be attending church again, although he had arranged for another member of the church to speak in church that Sunday. Many whom we asked, where they hear that we were praying for the sick, told us that their minister had sent them.

  • On one or two occasions, before the Spirit of the Lord begun to prophetically minister through us, I was able to record the word of the Lord to two ladies. You can find this prophetic word here.

  • Early one morning, before we left for Lilongwe, to return to South Africa, two men came to our host’s house. Our host kindly opened her house and brought them in, to wait for us in the sitting room. When we arrived, we found two men sitting on a couch next to one another. The one was an older man and the other a middle-aged man. They had heard that many were healed, and because of ailments and sickness in their own bodies, had come for prayer for healing. As I prayed for the older man, the Spirit of God begun to give me specific words of knowledge, showing me those things that was wrong in the older man’s body. Led by the Spirit, I prayed exactly what the Spirit of God was showing me, that He wanted to heal and had paid for. In a short time, many of the aches and pains left the older man, as the healing power touched the body of the older man. The Lord Jesus healed and delivered and set this older man free from many years of pains, as the prophet prophesied: “4 Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. [Mat_8:17] 5  But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole. (Isa 53:4-5) After I had seen that the man was freed and healed, I asked the other man if I could pray for him also? He agreed and confirmed that he was also there for healing. As I begun to pray for him, the Spirit of God immediately begun to reveal to me that this man can not breath. Then our Lord Christ, Jesus, revealed to me that this man had Asma. After I asked this man if this was indeed the case, the very astute looking man, confirmed that he does have Asma. In obedience to the Spirit of God, I laid my hands upon this man’s chest. While I continued to pray, the Holy Spirit revealing other specific things that He wanted me to pray for, the man suddenly said: “I can now breath freely!” realizing that he was healed of Asma, he told us that he has had Asma for 13 years. The healing power of God flowed through this man, as God touched him in a miraculous way.

  • At the certain point, the Spirit of God revealed to me that this man was ready to receive more of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I asked the man, whether he would like to receive the Holy Spirit and be baptized with the Holy Spirit? Again the man, in great openness of heart accepted the invitation. As I laid hands upon the man, who was so hungry for God, the Spirit of God came upon him like fire. Suddenly this man, started speaking in tongues, as the Spirit of God flowed in great freedom out of this man. While this is happening, my friend, Juan - the evangelist, saw a vision for this man. In a vision, he had seen a black ladder that going up, past the clouds, into the heavens. Then next moment, in his vision, God came and broke this ‘black’ ladder, with which the man was attempting to reach God.” Then Juan asked the man form which faith or religious back ground he was? To our great amazement, the man said that he was a Muslim. Personally, I was shocked and speechless, realizing what amazing unconditional love God has for those who would believe and receive the gift He had given us, through Jesus Christ. Realizing, that God told us that He was breaking this man’s ‘way’ to try and reach Him, today, also realizing that this man believed that Jesus is only a prophet and NOT God, the Spirit of God suddenly told me to tell the man about the prophet Isaiah’s prophecy, which came about 700 years before Jesus Christ was ever born, saying: “6 For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace. [Isa_25:1; Isa_40:9-11; Mat_28:18; Luk_2:11] 7  Of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from the [latter] time forth, even forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. [Dan_2:44; 1Co_15:25-28; Heb_1:8] As the man heard this passage of scripture, the man asked to see this in the bible. As he read these words aloud, out of Juan’s bible, the Spirit of God came upon Him again, confirming the Word of God. Then the Spirit of told me to tell him about another prophecy that the prophet Isaiah had seen and prophesied, 700 years before Jesus Christ was ever born, died, or rose again. The Lord gave me the message or report of the Lord to the prophet Isaiah, according to Isaiah chapter 53! As the man slowly read this passage of scripture, the Spirit of God came upon us all, the man being deeply cut by the gospel that was preached to him, revealing that Jesus would be hated and despised, that He would carry away our sins, the He would be wounded by stripes for our healing, that He would die and be ‘cut off from the living’, that He would intercede and travail to bring us to life and that He would see the light of life again, resurrecting from the dead. The Holy Spirit deeply convicted this man of His love for him, even him, as a Muslim, revealing the gospel to His heart. Then the Spirit of God told me that He was ready to accept Jesus Christ. Then Juan, the evangelist led him to accept Jesus Christ as His Lord and God and Savior. Then two mornings, the neighbor, who had also been prayed for and healed and baptized with the Holy Spirit, remarked that she did not hear the chanting of the Muslim who used to chant 5 o’clock in the mornings. It was only then that we were told and realized this was the same man who used to be Muslim, who that day had accepted Jesus Christ. All glory to God, in His only Righteous Son, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh.

  • The greatest reason why I believe that the small town of Balaka was sparked with a revival within the short space of 7-9 days, was because of Mussa’s sister and brother-in-law, Jonathan. Mussa, our interpreter and tour guide, had brought us to his sister’s place, due to our host in Lilongwe that cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. But this misfortune, turned into the greatest reason why we saw nearly a hundred or more people healed and baptized with the Holy Spirit, many speaking in new tongues, the message spreading like a wild fire in Balaka, that two men of God was in town through whom God was going miracles, healing the sick and setting the captives free. Mussa’s sister was deeply touched in the beginning of the week, when we prayed for her and when she saw and heard from her friends who were healed. As a matter of fact, she told us, that even before we arrived in Balaka, she had severe pain in her body. Once she had heard that men of God were coming, her brother telling her that healings and deliverances took place where ever God sent these men. Before we arrived, one morning, she realized that all her body aches and pains were gone! She was so overwhelmed by what God did for her, even before we arrived that she begun to tell everybody she knew that men of God were coming and that she was healed when she just heard we were coming. From the first day, Lucy took us to everybody that was sick or needed deliverance. When she also saw how the Spirit of prophecy flowed through us, God accurately revealing things that was wrong and encouraging the people with His great love, many people also being baptized with the Holy Spirit, the power of God coming upon them like Fire, just and John the Baptist prophesied and Jesus promised, before He left the earth, saying: “4 And while being in their company and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised, Of which [He said] you have heard Me speak. [Joh_14:16, Joh_14:26; Joh_15:26] 5  For John baptized with water, but not many days from now you shall be baptized with (placed in, introduced into) the Holy Spirit. (Act 1:4-5) And Jesus said: 8 “But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth, she begun to invite everybody she new to come for prayer. It was her great zeal for God that was just the right ingredient God needed to begin a revival, as the good news of the healing virtue that is released through the power of cross, was spreading like a wild fire, as more and more people were healed. People begun to come to the house where we were staying, finding out when we were there, coming for healing or just to be prayed for, because the power of God was touching people lives. Everybody who came received either healing and or deliverance, the power of God coming upon many in a real tangible way, many for the first time ever experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit and all that was promised in the Word of God. Through accurate words of knowledge, the Spirit of God pointing out specific things that had kept many in torment for many years, the Spirit of God revealing that God does know their needs and do love them so, wanting to heal them, many were instantly freed and healed of curse, illnesses and demonic torment, which they were under for many years. One morning Lucy took me from house to house to all those whom she could find, the Lord working through His Spirit in me, healing, delivering and baptizing many with the Holy Spirit, as the power of like Fire came to burn away the dross in people’s lives.

  • Sunday morning, as Juan preached the kingdom of God, and the dominion of God over all other principalities and powers, the Spirit led him to teach in much detail on all the God had revealed to him about the kingdom of God, with great conviction and faith God has given him on the promises of the kingdom of God, the power of God's rulership came upon the congregation, people being set free from the power of the kingdom of darkness, demons leaving them. The Spirit of God showed Juan a specific lady in the congregation. In obedience, he went over to her and laid hands upon her, with the power of God coming upon her, she being delivered, afterwards immediately filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking fluently in a new tongue. Many accepted Jesus Christ, as their Lord and King, when Juan made an alter call for those who wanted to accept Jesus Christ.

  • After this, the Spirit of God suddenly came upon me and I started to prophecy over the congregation, as the Spirit of came upon me, the power of God filling the room. The Spirit of God, revealed that this little town will never be the same again. The power of the 'law of Moses' was broken from the people, they walking in a new freedom in what Jesus Christ has accomplished already 2000 years ago. The Spirit came upon me in even more zeal and more power, the Spirit of God declaring that a revival has started and will come forth from Balaka and will spread to the other towns and villages in Malawi, bringing a revival of the Spirit and power in Malawi from Balaka. The congregation rejoiced greatly as the witness of the Spirit was confirmed with great power, as the Spirit fall upon the people, when this prophetic word was declared over the city of Balaka. This prophecy can be found here.

  • The night before, having seen all that the Lord had done in Balaka, realizing that none of it would have been possible, had it not been for this young couple who had freely opened their open to us, we wanted to bless them with a thank you prayer. Then, as I begun to lay my hands upon the man of the house, the Spirit of God came upon me in great power, and kept increasing, as I laid my hand upon his head. The Spirit of God came very heavily upon the man, whom I called my brother, because of his open and warm heart. So intense did the power of God came upon this man, that it seemed like a great electrical current was flowing through his body. The next moment, the Spirit begun to tell me that this man had missed out on everything because of work commitments and wanted to be part of all God was doing, which his wife had only told him about and that God had seen his desire and was now imparting ALL to him that the Spirit of God taught through me and wanted to impart freely also to him. I experienced every revelation of Jesus Christ and the understanding of our identity of our new man, in Christ, as I laid my hands upon him, a strong revelation of Jesus Christ as the Alpha and the Omega being imparted to him, the power of God totally overwhelming this young man, as the glory and the power of God fell upon this man, God revealing to him, that he is God beloved son, in Christ Jesus.

  • On the last day, before we left Balaka, I had a dream. I saw the most beautiful wave coming up out of the sea. In my dream, I had one of three options, to be crushed the way, or to dive through the wave or to ride the wave. I my dream, I considered these options. As I looked at this huge wave coming out of the see, I felt that although this wave was so huge and scary and even dangerous, I wanted to ride learn to ride this wave. I realized that I cannot yet ride a surf board, but that I was willing and very eager to learn, because this wave looked so inviting.


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